Terms & Conditions: Fish Applied Nutrition 3.0


The enrollment and access, participation, and use of our continuous education services through our IFarming Campus Virtual learning platform (hereinafter “Services”), provided by GLOBAL INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS CHILE SpA, are governed by these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter “Terms”) described below, as well as by the applicable legislation in the Republic of Chile, particularly by Consumer Protection Law No. 19,496 and Law No. 20,453 on Internet and Net Neutrality, and the Electronic Commerce Regulations of the Ministry of Economy, Development, and Tourism, taking into account all the rights established in them.

The company Global Integrated Solutions Chile SpA (hereinafter referred to as “Company,” “Our,” “We” or “GIS SpA”), with Tax Identification Number (RUT) 77.346.252-6, is located at Agustinas Nº 814, office 906, Santiago, Chile. The terms “You,” “User,” “Your,” or “Yours” refer to the individuals or legal entities, as applicable, who, for any reason, enroll, access, and participate in our Services. Users can contact the Company at contact@ifarming.ai.

Please read these Terms carefully before enrolling, accessing, registering, and using our Services. By enrolling, registering, and using these Services, it will be understood that you declare to have been clearly, comprehensibly, and unequivocally informed and understood these Terms, the Cookie Policy, and the Privacy Policy, and further, that you accept being fully subject to and in compliance with both these Terms and the Company’s aforementioned Policies, as well as the applicable laws in your jurisdiction. The Company may modify the Terms related to our Services, and such modifications will become effective immediately after posting the updated Terms on our website. If you do not wish to accept or comply with the Terms and Policies, please refrain from enrolling, accessing, registering, and using our services, including any service offered and available on the same.


Program Content: The program’s content, schedule, and duration are described in the program description provided on our website or in our promotional materials.
Learning Resources: The program’s resources and materials, including but not limited to class videos, documents, and assessments, are the property of GIS SpA and may not be reproduced, distributed, or shared without prior written consent.


For the enrollment process in the programs and courses, the student must fulfill the submission of the following documentation:
• Complete the registration form available on the program’s website.
• Copy of both sides of ID card or a valid passport.
• Copy of professional or technical degree.
• Payment of the total program or course fee(s).
• Other requirements as specified in the program and course descriptors.


1. Enrollment Fees: The enrollment fees for the continuous education program are specified during the registration process and on our website. You must pay all applicable fees before the provided deadlines using the following payment methods.
2. Methods of Managing Enrollment Payment:
2.1. National Bank Transaction for Companies:
• Bank Deposit/Transfer:
Payee: Global Integrated Solutions Chile SpA
Bank: Santander
Tax ID (RUT): 77.346.252-6
Bank Account: 82715843
• Purchase order.

2.2 International Bank Transaction for Companies:
• Full payment through international bank deposit/transfer:
Payee’s Name: Global Integrated Solutions Chile SpA
Current Account Number: 5101384090
Bank Name: Banco Santander Chile
Swift Bank Code: BSCHCLRM
Payment Reason: management consulting activities.
• PayPal.
• Purchase order.
A proof of the transfer or deposit must be sent to the email contact@ifarming.ai.

2.3. National Bank Transaction for individuals:
• Bank Deposit/Transfer:
Payee: Felipe Reveco Urzúa
Bank: Santander
Tax ID (RUT): 13.255.237-1
Bank Account: 82597115. (Cuenta corriente)
A proof of the transfer or deposit must be sent to the email contact@ifarming.ai.

3. Invoice: To request an invoice, the student or the requesting company must send a purchase order confirming the program’s payment by the company at the time of enrollment. This purchase order should contain the following GIS SpA information:

  • Legal Name: Global Integrated Solutions Chile SpA
  • Tax Identification Number (RUT): 77.346.252-6
  • Business Activity: Management Consulting Activities
  • Address: Agustinas 814, Office 906, Santiago, RM, Chile
  • Email: contact@ifarming.ai
  • Phone: +56 9 99698968

4. Invoice Payment: Once the invoice is received, payment must be made within a maximum of 15 days from the date of billing for the total amount via transfer or deposit using the information provided in point 2.

5. Sales to Foreign Companies: Foreign companies are required to make payments through bank transfer or PayPal before the corresponding tax document can be issued. No credit facilities are extended to foreign companies. Any special circumstances should be discussed with the registration assistant in collaboration with the representative from GIS SpA. If, for any reason, a foreign company decides to withdraw students from the activity, they may be eligible for a refund to an overseas account, and the company would be responsible for associated costs. If the refund is due to program cancellation, GIS SpA will cover the costs. If, for any reason, a foreign company decides to withdraw students from the activity, they may be eligible for a refund to an overseas account, and the company would be responsible for associated costs. If the refund is due to program cancellation, GIS SpA will cover the costs.

6. Discounts or Promotions: Discounts or promotions are not transferable, exchangeable, or accumulative. Please carefully read the information on discounts and payments available on our website, ifarming.ai.


For all intents and purposes, the start date of the diploma, program, or course is considered to be the date published on the ww.ifarming.ai website. Students who enroll after the program’s start date do so with full knowledge of the published deadlines and conditions indicated in this document.

The execution of any program, course, or module is subject to a minimum of 10 participants and may undergo changes in the schedule, faculty, content, structure, date, time, and/or locations of the program’s activities, as well as other aspects, with prior notification to the program participants. If the minimum number of participants is not met, the program may be rescheduled or suspended, and this information will be provided at least 3 days before the start of the activity. Similarly, GIS SpA reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the program due to unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, options will be provided, including applicable refunds.

In the event of graduation ceremonies for diploma, programs, or courses, they will be exclusively held for students who have fulfilled all the academic requirements necessary to consider the program of continuous education as completed and have fully met their general payment obligations.


Live Online Programs and Courses:

  • Each online course is organized into modules or thematic classes that include real-time streaming classes, in which students have the opportunity to share their ideas, clarify their doubts, and participate in active discussions with their peers and instructor. Classes will be recorded and made available to students as learning resources.
  • Students who are duly enrolled will receive their “username” and “password” to log in to the IFarming Campus Virtual learning platform (hereinafter, “Platform”), where they can access activities and learning resources such as support materials and assessments. It is essential to emphasize that login credentials are personal and non-transferable. Felipe Reveco Urzúa reserves the right, without the need for prior notice, to block a student’s access to the Platform when it is detected that the student is recording classes or engaging in any activity that suggests misuse of the Platform, indicating interference with the study process or improper use of learning resources such as support materials.
  • Continuous education programs or courses are taught in the language specified in the course descriptors published on the website, ifarming.ai.
  • The level of the programs and courses is intermediate.



To access and use the Platform, it is necessary to create a User account and make the required enrollment payment. You are responsible for providing accurate, complete, up-to-date, and truthful information voluntarily in the registration form and on your profile in the Platform. Additionally, it is your primary responsibility to keep your login credentials on the Platform strictly confidential, as you are solely responsible for all activities conducted under those credentials. You must ensure that no one else has access to your account or the personal information of third parties, as you are responsible for all consequences that may arise from the use of your account by third parties. Please be aware that you are not authorized to transfer or sell your access and right to use the application. If you believe that someone has gained unauthorized access to your account, please contact us immediately at the email contact@ifarming.ai to safeguard your information.

It is important to note that, in order to create an account, you must be at least 18 years of age or have reached the legal age in your jurisdiction if it is not 18 years.

You must refrain from using the Platform for unlawful and/or unauthorized purposes, which are detrimental to the rights and interests of third parties and contrary to the use of the Platform and the provisions of these Terms. Moreover, you may not harm, defame, harass, stalk, threaten, abuse, annoy, impersonate another User, or in any other way violate the legal rights and usability of third parties, including the Company’s staff. Furthermore, you shall not manipulate, damage, disable, gain unauthorized access to, reverse engineer, upload harmful code or software, copy, manipulate, decompile, disassemble, overload, or impair any aspect of the Platform or disrupt its normal functionality. You shall not use a robot, scripts, manual or automatic processes, or web crawlers to conduct scans, extract information, data mine, collect user names and email addresses, or index the Platform in any way. You may not visually modify or otherwise remove copyrights, patents, trademarks, and intellectual property rights owned by the Company. You may not register under another username or identity after your account has been blocked, canceled, or closed. Additionally, you agree not to falsify, impersonate, mask, or disguise IP addresses, emails, user identities, or any other means of user identification or computer equipment.

It is important to note that, in some cases, our Company may require proof of your identity as a security measure before allowing you access to or use of our Platform. In this regard, we ask that you be willing to provide such proof of identity, as failing to do so could result in restrictions on your access to or use of the Platform. The Company uses the information it collects to maintain the security of the Platform and prevent fraud, so we may share information about you to investigate, prevent, or take action in relation to illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to physical security or the rights and interests of any person, violations of the Platform’s Terms, as required by law. Additionally, the company may use the information collected to respond to inquiries and complaints submitted by users via emails or contact forms related to our Platform.

Unauthorized use, adaptation, reproduction, and/or commercialization of the intellectual property developed by GIS SpA may be subject to legal penalties in force in each jurisdiction.


Once you have created your account following the previous instructions (e.g., being of legal age in your jurisdiction), you may upload content (text, numerical data, images, audio, and/or any other material, collectively referred to as “Content”) to the Platform at your sole discretion. You declare and warrant that the Content provided by you on the Platform is either your own as the creator, and/or that you have obtained the necessary legal authorizations from the respective authors.

You declare and warrant that when you upload content to the Platform, all uploaded content will comply with the following Content Standards:

  1. It shall not be misleading or fraudulent.
  2. It shall comply with the laws, regulations, ordinances, or rules applicable in Chile or your jurisdiction from which the content is collected.
  3. It shall not promote or engage in potentially illegal activities directly or indirectly, such as pyramid schemes, modern forms of slavery, or human trafficking.
  4. It shall not provide personal or confidential information of third parties.
  5. It shall not contain material, images, hyperlinks, or content that is or could be defamatory, libelous, obscene, harmful to minors, pornographic, aggressive, offensive, hateful, disruptive, illegal, hazardous to health, inflammatory, rude, or that violates the rights, sensitivity, and privacy, intellectual, industrial, or otherwise, of Users or third parties, and that violates these Terms.
  6. It shall not infringe upon the business and copyright, contractual, intellectual property, or any other rights of a third party and of the Company. For example, when such content relates to audiovisual files, you must ensure that you have obtained all necessary consents and authorizations regarding such content.
  7. It shall not promote discrimination on grounds of ethnicity, religion, nationality, appearance, disability, sexual orientation, or age.
  8. It shall not have a threatening, insulting, questionable, abusive, or invasive attitude towards others or cause unnecessary annoyance, inconvenience, or anxiety to other Platform users or the Company.
  9. It shall not impersonate another person or company or misrepresent identities or affiliations.
  10. It shall not use viruses, robots, corrupted files, trojans, computer worms, logic bombs, programming routines, or other software that may damage the operation of the Platform, the operating system, or third-party devices. Additionally, refrain from using any content that may intercept, interfere with, or extract any personal data or information.
  11. It shall not expose sensitive or confidential information of a third party, including personal identification information and trade secrets.

You agree that the Company may use various methods to detect and block Content that does not comply with these Terms.


In such cases, the Company may contact you to obtain more information before publishing such Content. The User guarantees that all Content uploaded will comply with the Content Standards and agrees to indemnify the Company for any loss or harm, such as market or reputation loss, suffered by the Platform or Company as a result of the User’s breach of these Terms. The Company shall not be liable to any third party for Content uploaded by a User on the Platform in all its versions and formats. Although the Company is not obligated to do so, it reserves the right to block, delete, modify, or retain any Content at any time that it believes does not comply with the Content Standards set forth in these Terms and the purposes of the Platform. Additionally, the Company reserves the right to issue warnings and the right to temporarily or permanently suspend (terminate) access to the Platform without prior notice to anyone who does not comply with these Terms and the laws of their jurisdiction. The Company reserves the right to use all legal, police, or other means at its disposal to verify or investigate whether you are in breach of these Terms, the Cookie Policy, or the Privacy Policy.


The Company may modify the content, design, appearance, and functionality of the currently known Platform or any future developments at any time, for example, to comply with legislation or to improve the services offered. These modifications do not necessarily imply a change in these Terms, nor do they require a new agreement between the Parties.

The Company reserves the right to carry out all necessary updates to keep the computer systems operational, which may result in temporary hindrances or the impossibility of using the Platform by the User. To this end, the Company will make its best efforts to carry out maintenance activities during nighttime or non-working days.

The Platform is provided “As Is” and in the form in which it is available at any given time. Therefore, the Company does not expressly or implicitly guarantee the User that the Platform will adapt to any purpose, device, hardware, or specific use, or that it will be complete, useful, or suitable for these activities, free from computer viruses and harmful problems, or free from defects or errors such as inherent delays in the use of the internet or other forms of electronic communication, as the access device is the User’s responsibility. Likewise, the Company does not guarantee that all the features and functionalities of the Platform are available in all geographic areas.

The content of the Platform’s website is provided “As Is” for general information purposes only and without explicit or implicit warranties. Although the Company makes reasonable efforts to update such content, please be aware that the content of our website may become outdated at any time, and the Company is not obligated to update it.


At the end of each program and course, a certificate of participation will be awarded to students who have achieved at least 80% attendance in the classes.


To pass a program and course, the student must achieve at least 80% attendance in the classes and pass all assessments with a minimum average grade of 4.0 or the equivalent of 60 percent of the maximum grade.


We define “withdrawal” as the act in which enrolled students in a specific program or course request their disengagement from it before the third class is delivered. To carry out a withdrawal, students must submit a written request via email addressed to contact@ifarming.ai with a minimum notice of 5 business days before the start of the program or course. If a student decides to withdraw after the established deadlines but before the start of the educational activity, an 80% refund of the total amount paid for the corresponding program or course will be processed. This refund will be issued within a period not exceeding 30 business days.

Once the program or course has commenced, GIS SpA will not provide any refunds. Requests submitted outside of the specified timeframe will not be considered as withdrawals or accepted. Only under exceptional circumstances, such as illness, unemployment, or other duly justified force majeure situations, will it be allowed to request different treatment from the established policies to GIS SpA. These requests will be evaluated and accepted or rejected at the sole discretion of GIS SpA, without the option for further claims. The outcome of these requests will be communicated to the student within up to 15 business days through the email provided when making the request.


The personal data provided by the student to GIS SpA in relation to the enrollment and payment of a program or course will be processed for the purpose of maintaining, developing, monitoring, and executing the relationship between the parties. The student authorizes GIS SpA to process their personal data for the following purposes:

  • Use such personal data for all matters concerning and necessary for the student’s enrollment in a continuous education program or course, as well as for all that is necessary for the provision of services and management of the enrollment fee payment.
  • Be contacted by the student and be informed about matters of interest related to the execution of the relevant programs or courses, through various means of communication, such as telephone, messaging services, and/or social networks.
  • Receive information from the student that allows for the evaluation and implementation of measures that are relevant to improving the quality of the programs and courses with the information provided.
  • Communicate with students and/or former students about IFarming updates or offer new services in the future, whether these are provided by IFarming, without prejudice to the student’s right to request that no further unwanted promotional electronic communications be sent, in accordance with Article 28 B of Law 19.496.
  • The authorization mentioned above can be freely revoked by the student, and such revocation will have future effects. This revocation must be made via email addressed to contact@ifarming.ai.
  • GIS SpA will maintain the proper confidentiality of personal data and will not disclose them to other individuals or platforms except those strictly involved in fulfilling the purposes mentioned above (e.g., course instructors, accounting team), and to the extent that they are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of this data and cannot use it for any other purpose. Data may also be disclosed in accordance with a legal mandate or an order issued by the Courts of Justice requiring such disclosure.
  • GIS SpA will not provide detailed information or records of the evaluations conducted by students to the companies. If the company requires documentation, it must request it directly from the student, who, in turn, must forward the request to GIS SpA. This is done in compliance with the Data Protection Law, Law 19.628. Both students and the paying company are obligated to review our Privacy Policies.


  • Ownership: Under this contract, the student acknowledges and agrees that all content and materials (e.g., class notes, assessments) related to our Services are the exclusive intellectual property of GIS SpA and are protected by copyright and other applicable laws.
  • Use of Learning Resources: The student commits and agrees to use the learning resources and technological means related to our Services solely for personal educational purposes. Reproduction, dissemination, or commercialization of all or part of them is strictly prohibited unless there is express authorization from GIS SpA. Any act in contravention of this prohibition will result in the responsibilities and sanctions established by law. GIS SpA assumes no responsibility for any potential violations and liabilities arising from these behaviors.
  • The misuse of the materials and technological means provided to students, as determined at the discretion of GIS SpA, grants the right to suspend these means and block access as necessary to prevent further misuse of these materials and means.


  • Participation: You are responsible for actively participating in the Program, completing assignments, and meeting attendance requirements, if applicable.
  • Conduct: You must maintain respectful and professional behavior in all interactions related to the Program, including interactions with instructors, fellow students, and program staff.


Termination by Us: We may terminate your participation in the Program for a violation of these Terms or other reasons deemed appropriate by us. In such cases, you will not be entitled to a refund.


Through the Platform or email, we may invite you to voluntarily participate in surveys related to our services, tutorials, and Platform.


The Company owns the Platform that the User can register, access, subscribe to, generate forms, upload data, generate and download, or share data as applicable.

The company will not be liable for:

Misuse of the contents and services offered by visitors to the Platform, the industrial property rights, and intellectual property rights of third parties that may be affected by the actions of visitors. The company’s liability, whether contractual, extra-contractual, or legal, concerning the User, shall not exceed the price actually paid by the User in consideration for it, without prejudice to what the competent courts may determine.

The parties acknowledge and record that the Platform provided by the Company may experience failures, and therefore, the availability and continuity of the operation of the Platform are not guaranteed. Circumstances beyond the company’s control may result in the Platform not being operational for a certain period. In such cases, the company will seek to restore the Platform as soon as possible, taking all measures within its reach, without incurring any liability.

Although the Company makes backups of the content hosted on the servers, it is not responsible for the loss or accidental deletion of data by users. Similarly, it does not guarantee the complete replacement of data deleted by users, as the said data may have been deleted and/or modified during the time since the last backup. The services provided through the Platform, except for specific backup services, do not include the replacement of content stored in the backups made by the company when this loss is attributable to the User. In this case, a fee will be determined according to the complexity and volume of the recovery, always subject to the User’s prior acceptance. The replacement of deleted data is only included in the service price when the loss of content is due to causes attributable to the Company.


You agree to comply with all applicable laws regarding the transmission of technical data exported from Chile or the country in which you reside (if different) and with all local laws and rules regarding acceptable use and conduct on the Internet or any other computer network.

You agree to indemnify and hold the Company and its employees, officers, directors, shareholders, parent company, subsidiaries or affiliates, and agents harmless from any breach by you of these Terms and any claim or demand brought against the Company by any third party arising out of your breach in connection with third parties, use of the Platform, or any Content uploaded or transmitted through the Platform, including, among others, all claims, actions, proceedings, losses, liabilities, damages, costs, expenses (including reasonable legal fees), regardless of what the Company has suffered or incurred as a result of your breach of these Terms.

Terms updated as of July 24, 2024.